Parent Letter
How Does Restored Order Affect My Family?
To be fully initiated means to have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. In the Archdiocese of Denver, the Sacrament order has been “restored”.
In restoring the order of the Sacraments of Initiation in the Archdiocese of Denver, Archbishop Aquila is realigning the Sacraments to their proper order of reception; the order that Catholic Christians have received them for over 1900 years: Baptism, Confirmation, and then Eucharist.
Please click on the link below for more information about the Restored Order from Archbishop Aquila.
The order of the Sacraments were changed in 1910 bringing the age of First Eucharist down to 7 years of age (the age of reason), however, Confirmation was not moved into its proper place which is after Baptism and before Eucharist.
Current Dioceses that have restored the order of the Sacraments:
- Saginaw, Michigan (1995)
- Great Falls-Billings, Montana (1996)
- Portland, Maine (1997)
- Spokane, Washington (1998)
- Fargo, North Dakota (2002)
- Gaylord, Michigan (2003)
- Tyler, Texas (2005)
- Phoenix, Arizona (2005)
- Honolulu, Hawaii (2015)
- Denver, Colorado (2015)
For more information please read The Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Aquila;
How does the “Restored Order” of the Sacraments affect my family?
We understand that some families may disagree with Confirmation in 3rd grade or you might be a family that are moving from another diocese into the Archdiocese of Denver and may be at various Sacramental ages which are traditional in the diocese that you have come from. To meet those challenges, we will always have a Confirmation unit in 3rd through 6th grades. Sacraments will be incorporated under the “Religious Education Umbrella”.
What will this look like for classes?
- Kindergarten Religious Education -- No changes
- 1st grade: Religious Education -- No changes
- 2nd grade: Religious Education with the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- 3rd grade: Religious Education with the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
- 4th grade: Religious Education with Confirmation Unit
- 5th grade: Religious Education with Confirmation Unit
- 6th grade: There are two options available -- RE group under Children’s Religious Education with Confirmation Unit or 6th grade Youth Group under Youth Ministry with Brad Farmer
Classes will be available on the following days until they are full;
Sunday at 10:30-11:45am
Monday at 5:45-7:00pm
Tuesday at 5:45-7:00pm
*6th -12th grade Youth Ministry -- Look for information on the Youth Groups page.