If you would like to honor a loved one in a special way this Christmas Season, Our Lady of Loreto is accepting donations to be used in decorating the sanctuary for the Christmas Season. We invite you to dedicate your donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one or friend.
Please submit your donation no later than Sunday, December 15th (please note extended deadline).
The recommended donation is $35.00.
Donate Online
Making your request and donation online has never been easier! Click the button below for our online request form. You can make your online donation at the same time!
Donations by Envelope
If you would like to make your donation by cash or check, please fill out the form below and enclose it with your donation in an envelope. All envelopes should be placed in the collection basket at Mass or dropped off at the Parish Office during business hours. Please write “Christmas Flowers” on the outside of your envelope.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated! All donations will be acknowledged on our website throughout January 2025. Visit our flower donation page and click the button that says “Christmas Flowers Donations/Intentions.”
Questions or need help signing up? Contact Christina Deeb at secretary@ourladyofloreto.org or 303.414.2250.