Facility Use Agreement

We require all ministry/event leaders to fill out and sign a Facility Use Agreement. We have over 73 ministries at our parish and all use the same spaces. Therefore, we want to ensure that we are all doing our part to be good stewards of our spaces.

Facility Request Form

Once you have submitted your Facility Use Agreement, you are welcome to schedule your event! Please fill out the Facility Request Form below and submit it to Rosa at adminasst@ourladyofloreto.org or contact us at that parish office at 303.766.3800. We look forward to helping you schedule your event!

Godparent/Sponsor Form

Congratulations on being asked to be a Sponsor or Godparent! Please click the button below for the Archdiocese of Denver Godparent/Sponsor form. If you are a parishioner at Our Lady of Loreto Parish in Foxfield, CO, please contact Christina Deeb (secretary@ourladyofloreto.org or 303.414.2250) to get your form signed and sealed by our pastor.